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Become an Adjuster!

We strive to provide our clients with the best consulting services that will set them on the path to success. For more than a decade, our clients have seen the benefits of our hard work and expertise, and we’re proud of share some of their stories here.

Necessary Experience

Looking to break into the field?


We are always looking to cultivate quality talent to represent 1st Procyon Consulting®. We do this by taking individuals with professional skills and abilities and refining those talents into the necessary skill sets to become a successful adjuster.

Experienced Adjusters

If you have previous experience as an inside, field or auto adjuster, we want you to be a part of the team. Licenses and certifications are necessary and critical for your success as an adjuster.


1st Procyon Consulting® continuous training is offered in partnership with Adjuster Resource.  Our training targets all experience levels and covers all of the skills necessary to perform our services.


Adjuster Resource offers leading-edge training and education empowering adjusters to become more complete and knowledgeable claim handlers.

To register or view all upcoming classes/certifications click below:



As a full-time property field adjuster that has been licensed for less than 9 months. I absolutely LOVE what I do, as a result of this class & the great mentors from the instructors.

Mark Harris - Certified Adjuster

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